December 21, 2015
“You can buy a large house for $1 million, or about one-half of a carat of a red diamond,” said Yaniv Marcus, […]Read More
December 17, 2015
Diamond Outlook 2016: Summer to Bring Higher Prices? …Marcus also identified some positivity, stating that the year’s rough diamond price drop didn’t […]Read More
September 14, 2015
Fancy Color Diamond Prices Holding Up Amid Turmoil. “Yaniv Marcus, founder of the Diamond Investment & Intelligence Center, is particularly positive about fancy […]Read More
June 15, 2015
“Следующий значительный бум в индустрии цветных алмазов будет вызван не потребителями, а сообществом инвесторов. Инвесторы будут покупать с целью держать товар и […]Read More
December 9, 2014
In 2014, Bain & Co. digs deeper into the development of the industry including its challenges such as production, financing, securing long […]Read More
May 14, 2014
“Наиболее востребованными для инвестиционных целей являются цветные алмазы стоимостью от $100,000 до $500,000, именно в этом ценовом диапазоне инвесторы могут позволить себе […]Read More
December 27, 2013
In 2013, Bain & Co. explores the Supply chain of the industry, from the mining, and rough market, to the polishing sector, […]Read More
December 12, 2012
In 2012, Bain & Co. Further explores in detail the industry by the various markets, and countries. the majority of this report […]Read More
December 2, 2011
Back in 2011, Bain & Co. was commissioned to review the Diamond industry. it starts off by reviewing the history and origin […]Read More